Category Archives: Puisi


Hari-hari terus berlalu.

Ada rasa kebosanan dalam diri

untuk keluar. walau hanya sekedar refreshing

Aku lebih suka di rumah

Tidur, makan, Nonton, dll yang penting di rumah

Entah kenapa semuanya telah hilang begitu saja

Mungkin rasa itu telah pergi

Grand Hotel, Lombok Mataram Indonesia 23/10 2016


Jauh lebih dalam

tubuh terhempas di jalanan

realitas itu terlalu nyata

mengalahkan logika

mengungkap retorika

adakah dia dalam realitas itu

untuk siapa mengungkap realitas?

ketika tubuhmu

jatuh terserok ke jalanan

perlahan bangkit

ontologi apa yang kau cari?


Parents, all my family always meet in living room

save our mind. save our self and make us happy together in living room

I know it is dimensonal-geometry

it make us happy

happy with family

I miss my family

I Miss to see them in living room, together

father, mather, brother, sister, nephew, grandmother, grandfather

see you in there

you are my hero in my life


Never I left you But seldom I meet you

Friend is a special someone to come in your life

Smile, sad and laugh is always you and your friend

Now, you and your friend is struggling

Struggling for life each other

Now, there is friend in your beside

You only silent and remember your memory

Friend, where are you

Friend, why you left me

Friend, you is never change

Friend, you are the star for other

Fighting and always keep smiling

Friend, I miss you today, tomorrow and forever

the time has gone

with you like rainbow

without you like

this time has gone

alone in this situation

alone in my feeling

why like this?

why I can battle the destiny

very exhausted I feel

the time has gone

maybe some situations

I want to be with you

to describe our feelings