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The correlation between Using Technology and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Well-Being within Educational System

Primary School Education of Ahmad Dahlan University

This Research aimed to analyse the correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being within the educational system. This analysis will be concerned with two fundamental issues: the first, how using technology in the educational system changed cultural of human habit, the second what is the relation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being within the educational system. The method in this research used mix method. The result of this research had inform and giving comprehensive to analysis about the correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being within the educational system. It had three established, such as: (1) learning in globalisation were faced two challenge, the first about study perception and the second about ICT and its development had influenced human study. (2) learn in school began to involve using instructional media interactive. (3) globalisation era and using technology had connected to the cross-cultural understanding of well-being within the educational system. Based on that result known that it had the correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being within the educational system.

Keywords: Using Technology and Cross-Cultural Understanding

Cross-cultural understanding of well-being was not the first change that habitual human different than before. All people had a brain to think about how to made something be simple and easy to have. Like and dislike, people have to have a skill and using their thinking to do something that they can get when they implemented or took things in life around. Consequently, using technology is not separated with the cross-cultural understanding of well-being.
As we know, using technology had a positive and negative effect. Technology has the large meaning and the large perception. Within educational system using technology have taken important aspects. The problem presented in society using technology having accepted and refused many people because, they have perception using technology make their child was not creative and only enjoying the technology, in other reason that accepted technology have perception technology can make them solve the problem easily and quickly. This perception changed habitual that formed by culture long time in society. It can show to us how cross-cultural accepted and giving understanding in society. Cross-cultural within educational system can be shown using technology in learn. Especially in the educational system, using technology not only was used by the teacher when they learn but also was used a subject matter.
Educational technology influenced many systems. Educational technology hegemony had the perception that there were software and hardware is everything. It was hegemony in our habit and forgetting about what we had since we were born. This is also the problem in using technology because software and hardware were in technology. It made many people forgotten what they have “a brain” to think about what they can do. Many people trapped in using technology and it was cross-cultural of well-being understanding that humanly has. Using technology in life made a simple thing and made it easy to solve problems. It was not hegemony because using technology many works that they can finish it with different one was not using technology. All problem can be solved by using technology. In education took advantage technology like learning multimedia to solve study problem. Alike using technology, the public had a cross-cultural understanding of well-being. To simple this explains can be drawn in figure 1.

Figure 1. The correlation between using technology and cross-cultural
understanding of well-being within the educational system

In figure 1, using technology is not separated with habitual human life. All aspects can change. The correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being within educational system always discussed all people. This case never ends. Cross-culture understanding is known by people because using technology. Culture in society was changed by using technology like handphone. Using handphone change communication someone with her/his friend from far away and estranged someone with her/his friends from friends that sit down together. How about education? In history, an educational technology programme had explained technology change mindset and work teacher and students. Habituality in teaching and learning make easy to teacher and students to accomplish their work. Educational systems also to effort gives understand to cross-habitual in teaching and learning. The students take this moment with a different condition.
Based on the explain, the analysis in this paper will be concerned with two fundamental issues: (1) How using technology in the educational system changed cultural of human habit? (2) what is the relation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being within the educational system?
Research Methods used is mix method. Collecting data used documentary study and questionnaire. It was used to see the correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being on the educational system. Population data was taken students in college four semesters or they have 18-20 years old. The sample in this research had 88 students. The male was 22 of students and the female was taken 64. The questionnaire had valid 10 of 15. Thus, questionnaire consists of 10 questions. The question in this questionnaire had answered “yes” and “no” scale. Analysis data used Gutman scale. The data used for substantiating the documentary study. The qualitative method used documentary study for several journals and analysing answer interview of students.

Result and Discussion
A. Using Technology in Educational System Changed Cultural of Human Habit
The students learn in class always using technology. It hopes by educational technology which is a complex, integrated process, involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organisation, for analysing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning (Januszewski & Molenda, 2008). It also was influenced by cross-cultural in human life. In globalisation era, cross-cultural presented on the educational system. Thus, using technology helps us to be better than before. The questionnaire consists of how students learning in this era and how their culture or their habit influence their study which is using technology. The result in questionnaire had informed that:
SAMPLE/QUESTIONS Answer Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
Class F Yes 43 43 29 31 10 43 17 3 43 43
No 0 0 14 12 33 0 26 40 0 0
Class G Yes 45 45 20 40 45 4 29 44 45 45
No 0 0 25 5 0 41 16 1 0 0
All Sample 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
Table 1. Questionnaire Result
The result on the table consists of yes and no answer from two class and all sample is 88. It can be showed in figure 1.

Figure 1. Questionnaire Result
Based on the table and figure 1, most of all students showed that they change their learning because using technology. Using technology changes their ways of learning, although they prefer manual writing to typing whereas using technology make it easier for them to understand the material. The students have also preferred the new method to understanding their lesson involving technology to manually such as read the books. The result showed cross-cultural influenced their learning. Cross-cultural was influenced by using technology. Using technology in education and it is the subject matter and form life pattern of students. The female was consisting 64 of students almost said that life needs technology. Using technology in learning represented their self-respecting and can not be changed. Using technology seceded their habitual which is want to help by other ones. Using technology was diminish dependence to other people.
In humanistic theory was explained by Maslow, using technology in the educational system changed cultural of human habit, because technology giving easy and can connect self-actualisation in social media. In humanistic theory called Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Figure 2. Hierarchical Levels Within A Pyramid

This five stage model can be divided into basic (or deficiency) needs (e.g. physiological, safety) and growth needs (e.g. love, and esteem) which relate to fulfilling our human potential (self-actualization). The deficiency or basic needs are said to motivate people when they are unmet. Also, the need to fulfil such needs will become stronger the longer the duration they are denied. For example, the longer a person goes without food the more hungry they will become. One must satisfy lower level deficit needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs. When a deficit need has been satisfied it will go away. However growth needs continue to be felt and may even become stronger once they have been engaged. Once these growth needs have been reasonably satisfied, one may be able to reach the highest level called self-actualization. Every person is capable and has the desire to move up the hierarchy toward a level of self-actualization. Unfortunately, progress is often disrupted by a failure to meet lower level needs. Life experiences, including divorce and loss of a job, may cause an individual to fluctuate between levels of the hierarchy. Maslow noted only one in a hundred people become fully self-actualized because our society rewards motivation primarily based on esteem, love and other social needs. in social needs like FB, Twitter, path, etc to actualisation their self. The young generation shared their self like photos and videos in social media given happiness in their self. Information also was given by the internet, so nothing to say difficult about a study, exercises because of all of their finds, there is on the internet.
Collecting data was also Continued by interview, 80% of students said using technology like handphone make them was not concentration to study and only active to open the social media. Although, using technology can not separate from their habit. Find information, and make them be lazy to find references in books, journal, etc. And the more negative effect many students said lazily to study and using technology like handphone or computer which they can access the internet, they open social media like facebook, twitter, line, etc. When they open social media they interesting to write what they mind. Therefore, using technology made cross-cultural understanding of well-being on educational system seemed in their ways of learning was not effectiveness.
Using technology is also a part of the social interaction. (Schunk, 2008: 428) Recall that Vygotsky believed that people and their cultural environments constituted an interacting social system. Through their communications and actions, people in children’s environments taught children the tools (e.g., language, symbols, signs) they needed to acquire competence. Using these tools within the system, learners develop higher-level cognitive functions, such as concept acquisition and problem-solving. As Vygotsky used the term higher mental function, he meant a consciously directed thought process. In this sense, self-regulation may be thought of as a higher mental function. the social system, tools, and using technology is coherent in that statement. Using these tools within the system like technology should be made students active and creativity.

B. The Correlation Between Using Technology and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Well-Being within The Educational System
The correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being within the educational system. It can be seen by cross-curricular theme human being and technology (Jarvinen & Rasinen, 2015). It was established by implementing technology education in Finland, what the majority of young people understood the connection between technology and manual skills.
Therefore, human skills must be prepared their life skill start now. Because social systems made different culture, so cross-cultural well being on the educational system had influenced by technology that used in school. It was fundamental to establish three points in some journals and textbook which was analysed in this research. Thus, the correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being on educational system had been established the big three information, such as:
1. Learning in globalisation were faced two challenge, the first about study perception and the second about ICT and its development had influenced human study
Learning in this era faced two challenge. The first about change perception in learning and the second about information technology and communication (ICT) had big development. Public perception about the study in school had up and down. It about curriculum always changed when changed minister education: in Indonesian (Satrianawati, 2014). Public perception was different where they lived, as an example rural community and capital city. Society in a rural community part of them had primitive thinking about educational development in our country, exactly in Indonesia. Society lived in a rural community only continue what they had a habit for time to time and had little influence on change curriculum.
The second was about ICT and its development had influenced our study. Pupils in class studied large subject matter that to form how their thought, how they spoke, and how matter they did. Wallach (2015) had researched about measuring the influences that affect technological literacy using ICT in school, such as:
a. The technological literacy based on gender, race, and socio-economic status showed that the male students, the men also more interested in fixing, assessing, or analysing technology than women. By race showed the weakness research, because the small number of minorities group scored slightly lower than nonminorities group. however, the sample of minorities groups it is smaller than nonminorities group.
By economic status about this research showed the weakness because the high economy had a higher mean than a low economy. However, socio-economic status (SES) was determined by students’ self-reporting of free and reduced-price lunch qualification. It is possible students could have been embarrassed to answer thoughtfully or may not have known whether they qualified or not.
b. The factors are common among the technologically literate students showed that father’s and mother’s education was divided into three larger subgroups, consist of high school or less, some college, masters or higher have the big effect. It means common factors had effect technologically literate students.
c. The common factors exist among students who struggle to achieve technological literacy showed performance by grade level and standards performance by gender. In a performance by grade level 9th – 14th years old have equal exposure to technology education classes, but students have the option to take or not take technology courses at the high school level.
In standards performance by gender showed males performed better than females in all areas; however, differences were not significant for all areas. In attributes of design, power, and energy, information and communication, transportation, and manufacturing, the males mean score were statistically significantly higher than females. It had meant the common factors exist among students had the effect to achieve technological literacy.
2. Learning in school began to involve using interactive instructional media
Using technology as media to interactive instructional to helping problem study that student was faced. Many researchers had explained that growing appreciation and supporting students to know about the majority that they have. In school always using technology to make active learning in their activities. Kuswandari & Suryanto (2015), Elpira & Gufron (2015), Dewi (2014) also had been established instructional multimedia development can use to individual learning and group learning anywhere and anytime.
3. Globalisation era and using technology had connected to cross-cultural understanding of well-being on educational system
It is the big established in this research. Globalisation era made many different situations. Many countries urged to develop their country to be a popular country with the well-being of cultural on the educational system. To know about this established, it was explained, started by a negative and positive effect on human life when they using technology. Because At issue appears if something can change to be better than before and to be a advances have to have a positive and negative effect. That is, an effect being moulded, by instructional on educational systems. The positive effect had about educational technology which was the student always used technology to have extraordinary benefit. It was started by exploration high quality of subject matter, such as literature, journal, e-book, and have a scientific discussion until had the consultation to expert science. It was simple and easy to do it. It did by e-mail, facebook, twitter, blog, etc.
Negative effect educational technology in our country was less awareness from people to access information although the information is not used in their life. Knowing everything particular object (KEPO) was known in young generation. It was familiarity used strengths technology to know about something less important. Finally, young generation wasting time to play games and they were not studying. It was dangerous to the young generation.
Based on explained, using technology in education system had changed human life pattern. However, using technology in education system the ‘big idea’ of teaching and learning to make easy and simple or it lacks precise definition to said that. More than this, it is in danger of school in the rural community, if it has not already become yet. Nonetheless, the term using technology captures elements of a widespread perception that there is a broadening, deepening and speeding up of understanding of student about matters because it had interconnectedness in all aspects of life, from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the environmental.
Using technology can change human life pattern. Work something took time before or wasting time only explain one matter. By technology, students can know everything that they want to know. Accordingly the statement, the correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being on educational system has answered two fundamental issues:
1. Using technology in learning was a part cross-cultural in globalisation era that changes the human habit. It explaining that using technology was not separated in our life.
2. Using technology help students to finish their task, find information, self-taught, self-made, and made students self-confidence.
3. The students feel comfortable learning using technology and its well-being to their self.
4. Using technology in their learn made life pattern in their activities.
Based on the discussion in the previous section, illustrated and analyzed by journal had accreditation to be describe later, the following conclusion may be made: not only were using technology in educational system, but cross-cultural understanding of well-being can change habitual human life, in school used multimedia interactive for instructional and helping students to understand the subject matter. Thus, the correlation between using technology in the educational system made cross-cultural understanding of well-being.

Conclusion and Suggestion
The correlation between using technology and cross-cultural understanding of well-being on the educational system had been answered two fundamental issues: the first using technology on educational system changed cultural of human habit and the second using technology and cross-cultural giving the understanding to students. The students can not separate by educational systems. Thus, Literacy of technological literacy based on gender, race, and socio-economic has giving comfortable to the male and the female students. The aforementioned, well-being cross-cultural in the education system can be seen by student activities in globalisation era always using ICT in daily activities, learn in school had been involving using instructional media interactive. Accordingly, the result and discussion using technology were not separated in our life and using technology change human life pattern and influence culture in human life. The suggestion to a reader and future researcher please find the different development pattern in a rural and capital city.

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